By Angela M. Antonelli, Executive Director

Antonelli_StandingProfessional_Nov2014The Center for Retirement Initiatives (CRI) is delighted to launch a new policy blog. This will serve as an expert policy forum where the Center can share everything from the latest research and resources related to state retirement savings initiatives for private sector workers to federal legislative and regulatory developments. We will also provide updates on the latest retirement security data, best practices and lessons learned from program design and implementation at home and abroad. For those interested in learning more about a particular topic, each post will provide additional reading and resources to allow for a more in-depth exploration of the related research and policy issues.

We are launching the blog with this initial series of posts to assist states and stakeholders address the challenges in designing, adopting and implementing new programs, including 1) an overview of current status, lessons learned and future prospects for state retirement savings programs; 2) the United Kingdom’s work in establishing its own retirement program; 3) the states’ experiences establishing 529 college savings programs; and 4) a Maryland small business owner’s perspective about the value of his state’s efforts to help expand small business access to retirement savings options.

We hope you will find this new blog to be another informative and educational resource provided by the Center.