Who We Are


The Center for Retirement Initiatives is a 100% self-funded, research center within Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy, one of the top ranked public policy programs in the nation. The Center supports the mission of the McCourt School by providing groundbreaking approaches to the economic challenge of retirement insecurity and by doing so support the School’s teaching and research efforts.  The Center operates in an environment of complete academic freedom.


To be a trusted public policy center, providing technical assistance to states and being recognized for rigorous research that promotes innovation in retirement plan and program design.


To strengthen retirement security by developing and promoting the bipartisan adoption of innovative policies, legislation, and administrative models that expand the availability and effectiveness of retirement solutions.


Americans are facing a looming retirement crisis. The largest generation in history—the baby boomers—will retire at a time with fewer workers.   According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, many Americans report that they have virtually no savings or investments and the percentage that are confident about having enough money for retirement dropped to record lows between 2009 and 2013. Almost one-half of all working Americans (approximately 55 million Americans) work for employers that offer no retirement plan and 85 percent of Americans are not on a path to achieving a secure retirement.


Every state has unique demographic, economic and retirement needs. The Center serves as a trusted public policy center, recognized for rigorous research, technical assistance, and effective advocacy, to develop and promote State retirement solutions. The Center performs a vital role assisting states by:

  • Connecting state policymakers, scholars and industry experts.
  • Analyzing legislative and regulatory developments and assisting with program design.
  • Sharing research, best practices and success stories with state policymakers.
  • Serving as a resource to all states and stakeholders in addressing the challenge of achieving retirement security for more Americans and promoting policies that will strengthen the economy.


With today’s DC plans, the responsibility for making the complex savings and investment decisions that will significantly affect the amount of money available for retirement has shifted to workers. Because most workers often do not have the access, information, or knowledge to make these decisions, it is important for DC industry leaders and policymakers to consider the ways in which DC plan structures can improve and evolve to increase participants’ chances for success. A paradigm shift must occur, moving away from a myopic focus on wealth accumulation to the more important long-term goal of generating and protecting sufficient lifetime income.  The Center will address these challenges by:

  • Examining ways to expand coverage and access to ways to save for retirement
  • Exploring new ways to design and improve investment options and outcomes for plan and program participants
  • Identifying ways to integrate lifetime income solutions into plan and program design

Industry leaders and policymakers must focus on the entire retirement life cycle from accumulation to decumulation to improve long-term retirement income outcomes.


The Center for Retirement Initiatives is led by its Executive Director, Angela M. Antonelli. The Center is also supported by its advisory boards that include representatives from the states, labor unions, consumer groups, financial services firms, professional associations, international scholars and policy experts.

Contact Information:

Angela M. Antonelli
Executive Director
Phone: 202-687-4901

Email: ama288@georgetown.edu

Download the McCourt School’s Policy Perspectives Fall 2023 issue: