Please see below recent CRI work, media mentions and additional resources on the topic of retirement income.

Policy Reports

Securing a Reliable Income in Retirement: An Examination of the Benefits and Challenges of Pooled Funding and Risk-Sharing in Collective Defined Contribution (CDC) Plans (Policy Report 21-03, April 2021)

Private sector workers in the United States continue to struggle to find a cost-effective way of securing a reliable income in retirement. The US is not alone in facing this challenge. In both the Netherlands, and most recently now in the United Kingdom (UK), collective defined contribution (CDC) plans are being used to provide lifetime income. Recent studies of CDC plan experience in Europe suggest that a CDC plan can be simple and low-cost in design and generate a retirement income at least 30% higher than a typical DC plan. This paper reviews the benefits, risks, and challenges in CDC plans based on experiences in the Netherlands and the UK, and concludes with some lessons for US.

Generating and Protecting Retirement Income in Defined Contribution Plans: An Analysis of How Different Solutions Address Participant Needs (Policy Report 19-02, June 2019)

This report analyzes how different lifetime income solutions can help retirees meet their lifetime income needs. It examines several options to determine how well they achieve different objectives for retirement income including stability, maximization, longevity protection, growth potential, asset preservation, cost and liquidity. It highlights the growing demand for lifetime income solutions and the need for policymakers and plan sponsors to begin to integrate these solutions into retirement plans as more plan participants come to expect their DC plans to help generate and protect income for retirement.

2018 Policy Innovation Forum Report: Driving Change to Improve Retirement Outcomes (CRI Policy Forum Report)

On June 19, 2018, the Georgetown University Center for Retirement Initiatives (CRI) convened an invitation-only one-day policy forum with approximately 100 senior industry leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders to examine some of the key challenges designing a retirement savings system focused on improving long-term outcomes to strengthen retirement security for millions of Americans. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the discussion held during this event, covering innovative ideas and proposals for addressing some of the challenges faced in closing the access gap, improving the design and performance of investments in retirement savings plans, and identifying ways to build and deliver more-effective and attractive lifetime income options.

Blog Posts



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Additional Resources

